Going For Football Gold At The Rio Olympics

Who Will Take The Medals?
With the Rio Olympics about to kick off who are the pundits picking to walk away with the gold medal? It’s a difficult pick to make with some of the best teams on the world vying for Olympic gold and many new names wanting to make their presence felt in a championship that could make or break an international career. 20 years ago a little known Brazilian footballer called Ronaldo claimed his place in the international spotlight by scoring five goals at the tournament.

With plenty of talent including Gabriel Barbosa who has already popped up on the screen of Chelsea Brazil, hosts of the tournament are going to prove a handful for any time that wants to walk away with gold at this year’s Olympics. Neymar, who was left out of the Copa America squad in order to start fresh in Rio is going to be a potent factor for the mighty Brazilian squad. Backed up by Rafinha and Renato Augusto this is going to be the team to beat.
Odds to Win Gold: 2 to 1


If there’s one team that could upset Brazils dreams of Olympic gold it’s Argentina. Fellow South American powerhouse Argentina have been winners in 2004 and 2008 and have a reputation of gong all out to win – and they have the talent that makes them strong contenders. Exciting young striker Angel Correa who has just finished his first stint at Atletico Madrid will be looking to put his name in the record books and is in fantastic current form.
Odds to Win Gold : 2.5 to 1

Germany has a reputation for providing some of the most thrilling Olympic football ever – and they almost always have some youngsters in the wings who later go on to set the soccer world on fire. Although they have some stalwart older players in the form of twins Lars and Sven Bender this only makes the squad that much stronger. the level heads of these international quality players will serve to inspire and ground new up and coming talent such as Borussia Dortmund’s Matthias Ginter and midfielder Max Meyer.
Odds to Win Gold: 5 to 1

Portugal who are fresh from their success at being crowned champions of Europe also have to considered contenders. Although they are fielding a younger squad Portugal is not a team that will ever go down without a fight. With seven players in the team that finished up in second place at this years under 21 championship these young players may just have the legs to make older and more seasoned players sit up and take notice.


Mexico also is in there with a shout. With excitement in the form of Pachuca duo Hirving “Chucky” Lozano and many other more seasoned veterans Mexico fields a team that will be looking to emulate the success of their Olympic team of four years ago.
Odds to Win Gold: 22 to 1

The soccer spectacle in Rio looks set to be an exciting and intriguing battle. For all Olympics sports get the latest betting odds here.